Awesome game, this is amazing and so simple as well. I love the main menu and all the maps this game has to offer. Will be doing lets plays on each one.
So, I was looking in Prison's setup.ini and I randomly noticed the game/map's uniquegamecode spelling out "risonFuckS". Initially thinking it was random and had just coincidentally generated a swear word, and wanting to see if I could find more funny stuff, I checked the other Shadow maps and noticed it spelled out some sort of internal name, starting at the second character, and then looping around to the first character after reaching the end. That's when I went back to Prison's unique game code and noticed the "rison" at the start. I was able to deduce "Prison" and "Fuck" from that
Do you remember what the name you gave for the unique game code was? I'm genuinely interested
game is sometimes buggy. if you look at slenderman for more than 1 second, he'll kill you, sometimes he'll spawn right behind or in front of you and kill you. also the maps are way too dark with no brightness setting. great game, just some small issues that could use some fixing. maybe one day an update will come, but for now, we'll have to wait & see.
For anyone interested, I've just started having a blast from the past by previewing each of these old Slenderman's Shadow games, recording it and uploading it on Youtube. Just published the first one, Sanatorium, today - so if you're interested, come join me for some 2012-13 nostalgia. ;) Will likely post each episode here as of when they're published.
This game was so captivating for me as a kid, even though today it's a little buggy. I would love to see a modern iteration of this kind of "Ultimate Slender Game" with heaps of maps and that. Classic game!
I want to play the old versions of all maps. Can somebody help me? I found a way to install all the classic versions and stuff but when I load in, I can't walk and I am stuck on one place. Any help would be appreciated!!
So I don't know what's been happening with 7th Street like it will not run every time I run it and it's loading it closes at the end of the loading screen every single time and I've tried everything and nothing is working maybe it's just compatible with Windows 11 so could you possibly make available for Windows 11 Operating system if need be
The maps are compatible with Windows 11, it's just 7th Street causing issues. Also Marc doesn't have access to the source code, especially not for the FPSC maps so that sadly won't be possible
So while 7th Street used to work completely fine, now it doesn't anymore.
Like with many other people, 7th Street is crashing when it's done loading. Going into setup.ini and changing "dividetexturesize" to 4 - which would normally do the trick - doesn't do anything, the necessary DirectX files are in the necessary folders, I've capped the FPS, I've tried running it as admin and through compatibility mode and it just doesn't work anymore. I've even tried replacing the .exe with one from another map
All the established fixes we, as a community have found, just don't work for me and I have no idea why.
So, I found a fix but it removes all the textures. What I had to do was remove the "lightmaps" folders from the folders inside the levelbank folder (the password to the archived folder is "mypassword"). I'm getting a new laptop in 2 days, so maybe it'll start working again.
I already did actually, it's part of a series on my YT channel! Although like I said in the parent comment, that doesn't guarantee that it works, but it's the most common fixes.
Yo, I'm having problems on two maps in particular.
For 7th Street, the game simply refuses to load in, and crashes each and every time. I've run it about 10 times, and after the loading bar completes, it crashes. What am I supposed to do?
And, for Prison, it's like there's no hitbox or register at all for clicking on the photos. I was only to pick up very few of them, and I can't win by standing in front of the photo for 15 seconds trying to find the angle that'll let me actually pick the damn thing up.
For 7th Street, go to setup.ini, find dividetexturesize and set it to 4.
As for Prison, I don't know what the issue is but on my laptop FPSC games have a weird resolution issue that can be fixed by right clicking it, going to Properties > Compatibility, check off Disable full-screen optimisations, then click Change high DPI settings and under "High DPI scaling override" check off the box and select Application from the drop-down menu, then click OK and Apply. But like I said, I don't know if that's the issue
Slenderman's Shadow (unity) is 10 years old! I've beaten all the maps again after 6 years. Slendy has been a big thing back then and I gotta say, thank you for making this classic spooky masterpiece!
On the previously mentioned iceberg video - which Marc himself actually reacted to! (such an honour, btw!) - someone left a comment talking about this box outside the map in Mansion. The commenter says that Marc said it was meant for testing glowsticks - is this true?
Is Slenderman ridiculously aggressive for anyone else? Every one that I've played, except for mansion, I've died immediately after getting 5 (or 3 in 7th Street).
So, as some of you have probably seen, some friends and I have been working on an iceberg video for Slenderman's Shadow in celebration of its 10 year anniversary. Here's the video, for anybody who's interested.
I am so happy to have come across this! So much nostalgia! Also quick note, I noticed someone else mention this but in the current 1.3V it seems like that looking at Slenderman from any distance from 1-3 seconds ends your game. He also can teleport on top of you as well. I don't know if this is intentional but I figured I'd let you know. I'm so happy you have brought back this legendary game Marc Steene!
A well made survival horror game based in the Slenderman universe offering multiple levels to traverse with good graphics and a nice soundtrack definitely recommend playing 5 out of 5
So, does anyone by any chance know who sings the Ring Around the Rosie intro in Elementary? I managed to find a full version on YouTube, but couldn't find the singer.
With a bit of script editing, changes to the skybox, and a post effect, I managed to make Claustrophobia during daytime. I personally think it looks amazing
Someone here posted a MEGA link to the extracted version of the original SMS maps. This extracted version gives us access to all the files, meaning we can mod the game to our liking.
Find the image you'd like to use*, in my case the daytime skybox from Slender: The Eight Pages, and under Files\skybank\DTISkies\MOO replace each image with each direction respectively. U = Up, D = Down, L = Left, R = Right, B = Back, F = Front
*: It is suggested that you use something that's already intended to be a skybox, otherwise it might be difficult to make it look right
For the post effect, I went into Files\scriptbank\Claustrophobia\start.fpi and on line 28, located "setposteffect=" and set it to bloom. (setposteffect=bloom)
Now open the game and your changes should take effect.
This works for any map, although the 'skybank' subfolders differ from map to map.
So, MicrosoftWindows and I have worked on a meme mod for Prison, and it's now officially released. You can find the link on our Slenderman's Shadow Iceberg Discord server (
Damn I thought this game was gone forever in any official capacity. So glad to see that its up again now, these games are super nostalgic to me. Thanks for making them! :)
Hello, Marc. I've got a question for you. Where can i find the meshes you used for Slender Mansion? Espescially that striped sofa. Thank you in advance.
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Awesome game, this is amazing and so simple as well. I love the main menu and all the maps this game has to offer. Will be doing lets plays on each one.
Here is my most recent lets play -
Do you remember what the name you gave for the unique game code was? I'm genuinely interested
game is sometimes buggy. if you look at slenderman for more than 1 second, he'll kill you, sometimes he'll spawn right behind or in front of you and kill you. also the maps are way too dark with no brightness setting. great game, just some small issues that could use some fixing. maybe one day an update will come, but for now, we'll have to wait & see.
I can definetly see why this was so popular back in the day, really glad I can still play it and that alot holds up
this was my first time ever playing a 8 pages style game which I enjoy, not stressful just anxiety inducing
For anyone interested, I've just started having a blast from the past by previewing each of these old Slenderman's Shadow games, recording it and uploading it on Youtube. Just published the first one, Sanatorium, today - so if you're interested, come join me for some 2012-13 nostalgia. ;) Will likely post each episode here as of when they're published.
Now it's Hospice time!
Day three, and it's time for Elementary!
Mansion times are go!
Here's Claustrophobia!
Time for 7th Street! Might be my favourite level so far.
Disclaimer: Apple Silicon will not run this game, since it is 32-bit.
no start to linux
This game was so captivating for me as a kid, even though today it's a little buggy. I would love to see a modern iteration of this kind of "Ultimate Slender Game" with heaps of maps and that. Classic game!
I want to play the old versions of all maps. Can somebody help me? I found a way to install all the classic versions and stuff but when I load in, I can't walk and I am stuck on one place. Any help would be appreciated!!
So I don't know what's been happening with 7th Street like it will not run every time I run it and it's loading it closes at the end of the loading screen every single time and I've tried everything and nothing is working maybe it's just compatible with Windows 11 so could you possibly make available for Windows 11 Operating system if need be
The maps are compatible with Windows 11, it's just 7th Street causing issues. Also Marc doesn't have access to the source code, especially not for the FPSC maps so that sadly won't be possible
Tbf considering how posting this game was the last interaction of this guy online since he vanished I doubt he even read it
can you put the old model in elemantary and sanatorium. can u also put the bell sound back!
So while 7th Street used to work completely fine, now it doesn't anymore.
Like with many other people, 7th Street is crashing when it's done loading. Going into setup.ini and changing "dividetexturesize" to 4 - which would normally do the trick - doesn't do anything, the necessary DirectX files are in the necessary folders, I've capped the FPS, I've tried running it as admin and through compatibility mode and it just doesn't work anymore. I've even tried replacing the .exe with one from another map
All the established fixes we, as a community have found, just don't work for me and I have no idea why.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
So, I found a fix but it removes all the textures. What I had to do was remove the "lightmaps" folders from the folders inside the levelbank folder (the password to the archived folder is "mypassword"). I'm getting a new laptop in 2 days, so maybe it'll start working again.
Could you make a short video on how to fix 7th Street?
I already did actually, it's part of a series on my YT channel! Although like I said in the parent comment, that doesn't guarantee that it works, but it's the most common fixes.
Based Natalie
THANK YOU NATALIE! It actually worked now I can finally play this start a series on all of the original maps THANK YOU!
After 5 months, it now finally works for me again. I'm guessing it was an issue with Windows that only affected either just me or only some people
Yo, I'm having problems on two maps in particular.
For 7th Street, the game simply refuses to load in, and crashes each and every time. I've run it about 10 times, and after the loading bar completes, it crashes. What am I supposed to do?
And, for Prison, it's like there's no hitbox or register at all for clicking on the photos. I was only to pick up very few of them, and I can't win by standing in front of the photo for 15 seconds trying to find the angle that'll let me actually pick the damn thing up.
Does anybody have fixes for these?
For 7th Street, go to setup.ini, find dividetexturesize and set it to 4.
As for Prison, I don't know what the issue is but on my laptop FPSC games have a weird resolution issue that can be fixed by right clicking it, going to Properties > Compatibility, check off Disable full-screen optimisations, then click Change high DPI settings and under "High DPI scaling override" check off the box and select Application from the drop-down menu, then click OK and Apply. But like I said, I don't know if that's the issue
Slenderman's Shadow (unity) is 10 years old! I've beaten all the maps again after 6 years. Slendy has been a big thing back then and I gotta say, thank you for making this classic spooky masterpiece!
On the previously mentioned iceberg video - which Marc himself actually reacted to! (such an honour, btw!) - someone left a comment talking about this box outside the map in Mansion. The commenter says that Marc said it was meant for testing glowsticks - is this true?

EDIT: Messed around with the game, and yes it is
Is Slenderman ridiculously aggressive for anyone else? Every one that I've played, except for mansion, I've died immediately after getting 5 (or 3 in 7th Street).
It's not launching on my Steam Deck, throwing an error at me every time I try. Is there a way to fix it?
Is there any way to make it compatibale to work with mac 64-bit? Because there's no way to play on modern Macs :(
So, as some of you have probably seen, some friends and I have been working on an iceberg video for Slenderman's Shadow in celebration of its 10 year anniversary. Here's the video, for anybody who's interested.
I am so happy to have come across this! So much nostalgia! Also quick note, I noticed someone else mention this but in the current 1.3V it seems like that looking at Slenderman from any distance from 1-3 seconds ends your game. He also can teleport on top of you as well. I don't know if this is intentional but I figured I'd let you know. I'm so happy you have brought back this legendary game Marc Steene!
I pressed enter to save and it didn't work how to fix this Marc?
Creepy game. Great work!
Le jeu de mon enfance !
A well made survival horror game based in the Slenderman universe offering multiple levels to traverse with good graphics and a nice soundtrack definitely recommend playing 5 out of 5
So, Sanatorium v1.1 is finally found after many years
is anybody else unable to open the game after downloading the file? and i missing the launcher or.........?
It certainly is a game
We live in a society
So, does anyone by any chance know who sings the Ring Around the Rosie intro in Elementary? I managed to find a full version on YouTube, but couldn't find the singer.
Thanks in advance,
With a bit of script editing, changes to the skybox, and a post effect, I managed to make Claustrophobia during daytime. I personally think it looks amazing
wow its look amazing and how did you change the skybox and the post effect
Thank you! :D
Someone here posted a MEGA link to the extracted version of the original SMS maps. This extracted version gives us access to all the files, meaning we can mod the game to our liking.
Find the image you'd like to use*, in my case the daytime skybox from Slender: The Eight Pages, and under Files\skybank\DTISkies\MOO replace each image with each direction respectively. U = Up, D = Down, L = Left, R = Right, B = Back, F = Front
*: It is suggested that you use something that's already intended to be a skybox, otherwise it might be difficult to make it look right
For the post effect, I went into Files\scriptbank\Claustrophobia\start.fpi and on line 28, located "setposteffect=" and set it to bloom. (setposteffect=bloom)
Now open the game and your changes should take effect.
This works for any map, although the 'skybank' subfolders differ from map to map.
thank you
hey its me again so can you put the link of the guy posted on mega please
So, MicrosoftWindows and I have worked on a meme mod for Prison, and it's now officially released. You can find the link on our Slenderman's Shadow Iceberg Discord server (
Here's the video showcasing the mod
Damn I thought this game was gone forever in any official capacity. So glad to see that its up again now, these games are super nostalgic to me. Thanks for making them! :)
Hello, Marc. I've got a question for you. Where can i find the meshes you used for Slender Mansion? Espescially that striped sofa. Thank you in advance.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is done. After countless of attempts over the years, I can officially crown myself a Slender Prison champion.
Horrible game.
For people who are scared easily. Great game, the mechanics are really nice and it's really difficult.